Journal of Ageing and Rehabilitation Research is an International, open access journal for practitioners and researchers in the field of aging and rehabilitation. At a time of increasing elderly population all around the world with high life expectancy, the research on healthy ageing, healthcare needs and rehabilitation is of utmost importance. Our objective is to publish critical approaches to challenges of healthy ageing and rehabilitation globally. The journal welcomes research focussed on healthcare needs of elderly, the process of aging and rehabilitation enabling elderly to live their lives to the fullest.
Our journal covers the following themes: Aging Science; Clinical investigations; Aging; Cognitive declne; Depression; Mobility; Immune systems and aging; Nutrition; Progress in geriatrics; Geriatrics; Rehabilitation; Senescence; Longevity, Alzheimer's disease, Biology of Aging, Aging Population, Elder Care.
We welcome submissions of the following article types: Original research, Case report, Review, Commentary, Perspective, Opinion, Short Communication and Letters to the Editor.
We aim to publish reliable research on advancements in the field and provide online access to readers worldwide without any restrictions.
Journal of Ageing and Rehabilitation Research is an International Journal that publishes quarterly per year, started in the year 2022 which publishes articles in the English Language.
Submissions of manuscripts are welcome via online submission system or via email to the Editorial Office at: